The acrylic paint is a water-based polymer emulsion. It is easily applied, has good adhesive properties; it is resistant to wear and tear, behaves well in moderate climate conditions; it is light and alkali resistant and water vapour permeable.
Surfaces to which DISPERVAN is to be applied needs to be dry, without any loose layers and clean. Always, and especially with surfaces low on binder (sandy, dust prone, loosely tied) it is recommended to use SIMPRA Universal façade preservative basecoat. It can be applied in two coats using brush, roller or by spraying. Wait until the first coat is completely dry before applying the second one. The second coat does not have to be thinned or it can be used thinned with 5-10% of water. If the surface is not treated with a preservative basecoat, it is recommended to apply the paint in three coats. The first coat needs to be thinned 30% with water, and two other should be used without adding water or adding at the most 5-10% of clean water Not recommended to do works at temperatures below 5 °C!
It is diluted with water.
4-5 m2/l depending on the permeability and surface roughness. Not to be frozen!
0,75l / 2 l / 3 l / 5 l / 15 l
It is produced in white, but applying the TOP MIX system for tinting provides a whole range of shades from our colour chart, including the colour chart of other manufacturers, and the RAL chart.